How to Use Your Laptop to Make Money

As we all need to stay in our homes during this pandemic, it’s getting harder for us to stick to a fixed schedule in our daily jobs because the daily commute and interaction with other people heighten the risk of getting the virus.

Whether you’re looking for a job that will get you by during this pandemic or you want to enjoy flexible hours with which you can stick to your own schedule, we know of different methods to earn money that require only your laptop and an Internet connection.

Methods to Earn Money with Your Laptop

The pandemic created an avenue for a new line of jobs to take the spotlight. Although working from home has been around for quite a few years now, it was only recently that the working class has truly seen its benefits. If you want to be part of this movement, here are some of your options:


Because many people have started to spend more and more time in their homes, most tasks or activities that were otherwise done outside are now prominent online. These include shopping. Because of this, plenty of business owners have started to sell their products online. This propelled eCommerce into its current status. Even if you don’t have products to sell, you can partner with these businesses using your laptop. Online marketing through SEO services for eCommerce is widely popular among writers nowadays.

Branding Consultant

Do people always go to you for advice whenever they plan on starting a business? Are you always having fun solving these problems? Then being a branding consultant could be the perfect job for you. This profession monitors a product’s performance and analyzes this data to guarantee that the brand will outperform the competitors in the market. You need a bit of expertise in selling products and general marketing for this kind of job.

Blogger and Content Creator

If you’ve always been fond of writing, then perhaps you can try blogging. You create a website where readers can gain information about plenty of different topics that you want to talk about. While this may not generate funds during the early stages, gaining lots of followers will eventually invite product sellers to partner with you. Or you can also offer your services to them. You will use your platform for marketing these businesses’ products through affiliate links.


Virtual Assistant

Many agencies, companies, and businesses need to provide customer services to guarantee that they don’t lose their consumers. While this was often done in an office-based setting, virtual assistance is now being utilized as a job opportunity for those who want to work from home. The nature of the job varies, depending on what company you are working for. But it would require you to assist customers with their problems regarding the products or service offered by the company.


The last type of job opportunity we want to present to you is one of the most fulfilling, but you have to make sure that you are eager to do it. Freelancing is about offering your services to people who need them. This can be digital editing, content writing, or online marketing. You could leave the corporate setting and work in your own time, but you also have to find your own clients. This is one of the biggest challenges faced by freelancers.

Windows vs. macOS

After mentioning the different types of jobs that you can take using only your laptop, now is as good a time as any to talk about something just as important. Since your laptop is your only weapon for this sort of work, you want to make sure that it provides everything you need. The question now is: Windows or macOS?

The answer to this question will, of course, depend on what you’ll use it for. Generally, a Windows laptop is preferred by other people because of its affordability. It also often has advanced specifications that allow users to play the most demanding games, which isn’t often the case for macOS computers.

However, if you’re going to use a laptop for online work, macOS reigns supreme. MacBooks are equipped with the most secured operating systems, ensuring that you don’t lose your files that are important for work. Running different tasks usually involved in a work setting is also smoother in macOS than Windows.

Nowadays, we are provided with plenty of opportunities to earn money wherever we are. Whether we’re staying home or spending our time at a coffee shop, we can simply open our laptops and start working. But you need to make sure that the laptop you’re using is the best companion you could ever ask for to get that money.

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