What We Do

INFO netTech

Your ultimate source for news on the latest technology. More than just telling you what’s new, we make sure you understand how these developments can affect the different aspects of humankind. 

They say technology is the future, but it isn’t because technology has been here for quite a while now. The real future, I believe, is not the gadgets we hold, but the one holding the gadget and how they choose to use it.
– Grant Dempsey

Grant Dempsey

Grant Dempsey


Grant Dempsey was born and raised in New York. After attaining his degree in economics, he went on to become a financial consultant for small to medium businesses in the state. However, his career choice never swayed him from his interest in technology. He has always advocated for SMEs to go digital and use technology to their advantage. He enjoys reading about the latest technological trends and predicting how it will affect the market. 

Dana Gray

Dana Gray

Tech Guru

Dana Gray graduated with a degree in marketing and had a brief career in the media before becoming (what she believes to be) one of the first social media specialists during the social media boom. She helps businesses reach out to potential customers by creating an online presence. In her almost seven years of her job, she has witnessed social media play a role in changing the way people think. Now she wants to talk about it. 

Ryan Greene

Ryan Greene

Game Master

Ryan picked up his first game-boy in the mid-‘90s, pressed one button, and instantly fell in love with technology. Since then, he has become an avid fan of tech brands, their releases, and various conventions and product promotions – especially the ones for video games. He is now a creative writing graduate who loves to cover all things tech and how it relates to culture. 

About Us

We offer bite-sized news on technological trends. But we don’t do product reviews or which phone brand is better, we talk about the part of technology that matters: the one that affects the way we live.
The future is here because technology is here. A few years ago, Facebook made waves as the new MySpace. Today, it’s a social media app many of us need to communicate, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to go away any time soon. And that’s what makes technology great: it’s how humans handle it that make it the future.
Technology can make us, but it can also break us. It can disrupt the economy, improve the environment, and make corporations earn more profit. In short, it will affect the way we live as long as we use it. And that’s what we want to talk about.

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