7 Must-Have Compact Gadgets for People Who Are Always on the Go

If you’re the type of person who is always on the go, jumping from plane to plane or going from one meeting to another, then you’re probably one of the first people to appreciate technology when it became more compact. Today, a smartphone and a laptop are usually enough for this kind of lifestyle, but what other gadgets can help you stay connected and productive while constantly moving around? Here are some of the best compact gadgets that will most probably change your life:

1. Mini PC

Most modern laptops are capable of running work-related applications and programs without a hitch. For heavier workloads, you can opt for a mid to high-range laptop that can handle multiple programs at once. But if you want the power of a PC to handle multitudes of programs and run high-spec games while you are away from home, then a custom mini PC is the best choice for you.

These minicomputers are around the size of two soda cans and are relatively lightweight, making them highly portable. If you want the power of a desktop while traveling, you can easily connect your PC to the hotel’s smart TV and to your Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and your workstation is already good to go.

2. Large-storage External Hard Drive

A conventional user only needs a 1TB or 2TB external hard drive to store all of their personal and work files. But if you need something bigger, there are currently external hard drives that will allow you to store up to 18TB of data. With this, you can carry thousands of songs and movies, millions of pictures, and dozens of high-spec games right in your pocket.

hard drive

3. Power Bank

Power banks have been around for quite some time now, but thanks to the rapid development of technology, newer power banks can charge devices five to ten times over. A common problem for people who are always on the go is finding an electrical socket to charge their devices. A power bank eliminates this issue by allowing you to charge your devices wherever you are, so invest in a high-quality power bank that is both durable and features a large battery size.

4. Ear Pods 

Apple came up with the Airpods not too long ago, and many brands have followed suit to create wireless earbuds. Today, there are dozens of reputable brands to choose from with varying levels of sound quality, durability, and design.

A trusty pair of ear pods is a must if you’re constantly on the move. Wired earphones are not out of commission just yet—but they get tangled quite too often to be convenient. If you’re always on flights, hopping on a call, or holding virtual meetings in your hotel room, a pair of ear pods will provide a more convenient experience altogether.

5. Laptop Stand with a Fan

Working for long hours on a laptop that is not at eye level can cause neck pain. A laptop stand can eliminate this problem easily, and if it has a fan, it can keep your laptop cool despite running multiple programs. After all, no one wants to hear a whirring laptop fan in the middle of a quiet airport café.

Most laptop stands with fans are compact, roughly the size of the laptop itself. Get one that is just the right size for your laptop’s model and store it in a separate compartment of your bag. Most laptop stands have components that stick out of the flat surface, and these can damage your laptop if they press on it while in transit.

6. Compact SLR

If you love photography or take pictures as part of your job description, a compact SLR should be your go-to device when traveling. Compact SLRs can be just as powerful as their bigger counterparts but are more portable and easier to handle. And unlike compact cameras, they capture higher quality images, allow for a shallower depth of field, and have a better dynamic range.

7. Folding Keyboard 

A wireless folding keyboard is just what you need if you’re using a laptop stand or a mini PC. This type of keyboard can fold down to roughly the size of a smartphone, allowing you to easily store it in a small bag compartment. Most models also weigh less than ten ounces, which means they won’t add a significant amount of weight to your luggage.

As technology develops at a rapid pace, devices are getting more and more compact. In this list, we have some of the most useful compact devices that will especially benefit people on the go or those who focus on functionality and convenience.

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