Do Your Employees Pose as Threats to Your Information Security?

The rapid pace of digital development inadvertently paved the way for the emergence of cyberattacks even in Australia, despite being one of the most developed countries in the world. 

Companies should not look beyond their inner circle when thinking about their vulnerability to cyberattacks, as their employees could be a liability. Whether it is cybersecurity or network security, some businesses tend to overlook insider threats when contemplating preventive measures to safeguard their online infrastructure.

Identifying Each Kind of Threat

Not all cyberattacks originate from hackers and other cybercriminals. In fact, human error served as the second biggest reason behind security breaches between October and December 2018, according to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. It is possible to attribute some of the security lapses to carelessness and negligence, but there are cases when employees deliberately exploit or abuse their network access for personal gain or retribution.

Proper training often eliminates the existence of careless workers, but that takes precious time and resources if needlessly done on a regular basis. If you do not have an in-house IT team, then outsourcing could be a good alternative to check for potential threats. Remember that cybersecurity is the same when protecting your house from burglars; some people focus too much on intricate alarm systems that they forget to lock the main door.

As network security service providers noted, this parallelism applies in business when employees do not observe simple security steps like using a unique and strong password. Keep in mind that hackers still need an insider’s login information before they could wreak havoc to your system. You can further avoid a system breach by restricting access to fewer people to reduce the risk of human error. In terms of hardware security, better vetting systems for suppliers and original equipment manufacturers prevent the occurrence of compromised machines.

The Bigger Picture


If you are still not convinced about the importance of beefing up your security, take this line from a top government official. Alastair McGibbon, the country’s chief cybersecurity coordinator, believes that Australia’s susceptibility to cyberattacks serves as “the greatest existential threat we face as a society today.”

A larger IT workforce seems to be an important solution. Recent reports showed that industry employment rose around 7% in the last two years. This still falls short from the recommended 10% in the next eight years to become a sustainable solution, but there are other ways to fulfil the public and private sector’s cybersecurity requirements.

Since there is a digital skills gap, it becomes necessary to tap into ITaaS (IT as a service) specialists. Small businesses should probably consider them more than established businesses, as most hackers think that smaller enterprises are sitting ducks due to the lack of operational security.

Companies should review their policies on online network privileges given to employees, including the most stringent possible scrutiny on network administrators. Consider hiring a third-party IT service provider to examine the loopholes in your system for extra protection. What is your current strategy of cybersecurity?

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