3 Ways to Optimize Your Online Marketing Strategy and Grow Your Sales

The current global pandemic is pushing people toward online shopping. Most businesses have doubled their online marketing efforts. Naturally, the competition for online shoppers is at an all-time high.

Google cracking down on old, clunky, and mobile-unfriendly websites isn’t helping the issue. If your site isn’t built for mobile-first setup, it won’t rank at the top. Moreover, sales will be hard to come by if your marketing strategies aren’t sharp.

Luckily, these problems are easy to overcome. First off, you should hire a reliable graphic design firm to update your website. Secondly, take these steps to improve your online sales.

Supercharge Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing has been around for a while, thanks to its ROI. A well-structured email marketing campaign can generate an astounding 3,800% ROI. That’s $38 for every $1 you spend on advertising.

Traditionally, email marketing involves directing readers to resource pages through embedded links. The resource could be a product page, blog post, landing page, or product review. Although this approach is practical, it delivers an average click-through rate of 2.6%.

But why settle for 2.6% if there’s a chance to increase the click-through rate? You can do this by letting subscribers buy products without leaving their inboxes. The best email marketing solutions let subscribers access your store directly from your email campaign.

Simplifying the buying journey is likely to increase your conversion rate. Instead of redirecting to your website, the product is readily visible in the email. The increased convenience is likely to be a game-changer in marketing emails.

Embrace Video Marketing

The world’s video consumption has exploded in the last couple of years.

  • More than 300 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute.
  • People watch more than 5 billion videos a day on YouTube daily.
  • There more than 205 million YouTube users in the United States.
  • 80% of the population aged 18-49 watch YouTube Videos.

These statistics underpin the need to make videos part of your online marketing strategy. There’s a ready audience for video content because it’s entertaining and easy to consume. There’s data to prove that, too:

  • 65% of people prefer learning about a product through short videos.
  • 72% of marketers improved their conversion rates.
  • 52% of consumers say video product reviews influence their buying decision.
  • 65% of executives would rather watch a video than read a blog.

You’re not just limited to YouTube, either. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter work, too. You can even drive customer engagement with live broadcasts.

Embedding video into your blog posts and web content helps your ranking efforts, too. Google prioritizes sites with embedded videos on the search results.

It’s easy to reformat your video into various marketing assets. Besides uploading the video on YouTube, you could also:

  • Transcribe and publish the transcript to improve rankings
  • Upload the video on other platforms
  • Rip an article from the video content
  • Turn the video into a podcast

man using a laptop

Prioritize Search Intent

Google is becoming smarter every day to provide users with the most relevant results. The search engine now considers search intent when ranking web content.

Simply put, search intent is the reason behind a search query. Google now considers why a web user is searching for specific information. Do they want to learn? Are they looking to buy? Or are they looking for a product?

By understanding search intent, Google returns the information to match content with the most relevant answers. To rank your website at the top of the SERPs, ensure that your content matches the search intent.

Typically, search intent fall into four categories:

  • Informational. The searcher is looking for information to answer a question. These are general inquiries, such as “who’s Neil Armstrong?” But they’re not always phrased as questions.
  • Navigational. The searcher is looking for a specific website — Amazon, Twitter, or Facebook. It’s simpler to search on Google instead of entering the site’s URL.
  • Transactional. The searcher is in buying mode and wants to buy a product. They know what they need to buy but not where to get the product.
  • Commercial. The searcher is looking for a specific product. However, they’ve yet to make a final decision or need more information. They’re mainly searching for product reviews or comparisons.

Learning to infer the search intent when doing keyword research is crucial. You can create helpful content for your readers while improving your rankings on Google.

Blow Away the Competition

Although the online marketing scene is fluid and dynamic, one thing remains constant: the need for a mobile friendly, responsive website. Google prioritizes mobile-first websites ahead of other ranking factors. A reliable graphic design firm lets you create a beautiful, SEO-ready website.

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