Increase Your Online Presence to Increase the Revenue of Your Accounting Business

Accounting is one of the most in-demand services today. From data input to cash flow analysis, and even to processing finances, accountants will always remain as one of the key players in the success of an organization. It’s also one of the most competitive fields in the world. This means that if you’re in this business, you already know that you always need to stay ahead of the game in order to be relevant. The most effective way to stay ahead is by putting your name out there, so that clients who are in need of your services can easily find you even without referrals.

Marketing isn’t a new tactic in business. The more people know who you are and what you offer, the more you’ll gain clients. The crucial part is how you’re going to market your accounting business without breaking-bank.

1. Nurture your existing clients

Start with the people who are already using your services. Remember that they are living proof for the quality of services you provide, and that makes them your biggest advocates. Don’t just contact them for business. Foster their loyalty, and make them feel special by sending them emails on special occasions, holidays or birthdays. This will not only remind them of you and your services, it will also deepen your personal connection with your clients.

Remember that word of mouth is still one of the most powerful marketing channels, and sending something as simple as an email can positively influence how they see you and your business — to the point that your business name will be the first to pop up in their heads when someone they know asks them about accounting services.

There is a good deal of email marketing tools out there like Mailchimp, Sendinblue and Intercom, that allow you to automate your emails flawlessly with a touch of personalization.

2. Utilize Social Media

There are about 3.2 billion active social media users as of 2019 and keeping this number in mind, 73 percent of marketers believe that social media has been effective for their business. This is how popular social media has become. Today, potential clients or prospects can access reviews regarding your accounting services, and they can read about people’s experiences with you.

Social media will help build brand awareness and grow your relationship with your audience, may it be your current or future clients. It will provide you the exposure that you need to help get the word out about your services.

The top social media sites are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and instagram. When deciding on the social media channel to focus on, you should also do your research beforehand, and learn what channels your clients mostly frequent.

Accounting is indeed a very taxing career, so if social media is difficult for you to manage at the moment, you don’t have to pursue utilizing these platforms, but don’t sleep on it. There are digital marketing agencies who specialize in providing social media marketing for accountants, so you won’t have to miss on this opportunity.

3. Get into SEO

SEO icons on laptop screen

Search Engine Optimization is a viable choice if you want longstanding results. This means results that will be effective for a long period. The goal of search engine optimization is to rank your business on the first page of Google, or any search engine. This is because more and more people are turning to their computers and mobile phones for answers. Google alone processes around 63,000 search queries per second as of 2019 — that’s 5.6 billion searches per day. These searches range from science, health, finance and more. This means you won’t be the one looking for potential leads, but potential leads will be the ones coming to look or you.

All you have to do is be ready when they do. By incorporating SEO in your marketing strategy, you won’t miss any opportunity.

Ways you can incorporate SEO in your marketing strategy is by making quality blogs, optimizing your keywords and growing your online presence — all of which you can also do through social media.

These strategies will help increase your online visibility. Take note, however, that these methods will only be as good as the services you provide, and the most effective way to scale your accounting business is still to increase client satisfaction rate. Learn more on how to effectively grow and scale your accounting business by doing your research and studying about the industry.

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