VOIP concept

PBX or VoIP: Which Suits Your Company?

Many companies now opt for VoIP call center phone systems over PBX, for multiple reasons. On the other hand, others stick to the tried and tested and don’t venture into alternatives than PBX. Here’s how you can get started in updating your office’s communications system or downgrading it to something more manageable and convenient. Here’s how

PBX or VoIP: Which Suits Your Company? Read More ▷

smart farmer use drone for various fields like research analysis

Types of Aerial Platforms for Drones

Drones are aircrafts with no human pilot aboard. They are thus also called unmanned aerial vehicles. A lot of companies and individuals are now using them for remote sensing, motion and commercial picture filmmaking, disaster relief, oil and gas exploration, construction, and large scale farm spraying.  Drones are also used for line-of-sight flying which involves

Types of Aerial Platforms for Drones Read More ▷

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