Tasks Handled in Different Types of Website Maintenance

Having a website is essential nowadays for marketing, irrespective of your sector. Few business owners are, however, reaping the full benefits of an online presence with their websites. Though several reasons are responsible for this, the leading ones are poor design and low levels of user experience.

These lead to high bounce rates, and few, if any people, will refer others to your site. Most companies are fooled into believing they are cutting their expenses by opting for an online DIY website design platform. Even so, this leaves them with low or non-existent website maintenance or optimization.

This is the primary element of on-page SEO. It centers on the best choices for your Meta descriptions, headers, keywords, CTAs, and sitemap, among other features. An optimized website will keep people on your website and ensure that all elements in your design work together to generate your projected gains.

Getting a professional to handle your web design guarantees an optimized site that contributes towards your bottom line. Other than the design of the website, the experts will also manage its periodic maintenance. Here are the tasks you can expect handled in different website maintenance schedules

Daily Management

This includes the backing up of your website, monitoring uptime, and performing a daily security report. Backing up your site allows you to quickly get it back up in case something compromises it or your host. Monitoring uptime will enable you to minimize downtimes that would result in considerable losses and paint your company in poor light.

The daily security report looks into any security breaches you might have been exposed to and takes steps to secure your site.

Weekly Management

web development

Every week, your website manager will check for Theme, Plugin, and WordPress updates and check your site across different browsers. Checking these updates helps to pick any issues that might compromise your operation and allows you to protect the site from various security risks.

Testing your website across several browsers ensures that users in these browsers are getting an optimal experience, and the layout works in these browsers as it should.

Quarterly or Monthly Management

Optimizing your database, checking updates removing unused Plugins and Themes, and reviewing analytics are some of the tasks handled in monthly or quarterly maintenance schedules. Reviewing your analytics, for instance, allows you to know what is working on your site and what should be changed to enhance your user experience.

It also looks at your site’s growth over a specified timeframe so that you know if your efforts are paying off.

Annual Maintenance

Updating your copyright information and evaluating your Themes and Plugins are some tasks handled in annual site maintenance. The updating of your copyright information, for example, reflects your current year. Without doing this, most people will not know if you are in operation, and they might not be so quick to contact you.

The above tasks seem easy enough to be handled by your in-house team. Even so, they are overwhelming and will often take a lot of time and resources. The time and money-saving approach for these tasks is in outsourcing a company to handle them.

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